Data backup for public authorities: Reliable protection for sensitive information

Challenges of Cybercrime, Backdoors, GDPR and Adaptability for social and public intuitions.

Difficult framework conditions, constant innovations and a tight budget are constantly presenting public authorities, social institutions and churches with major IT challenges. At the same time, expectations for highly efficient and citizen/customer-oriented administration are constantly increasing. High demands on data storage, data provision and data backup are the result. Many public institutions at federal, state, city and municipal level, as well as churches and social institutions such as hospitals and kindergartens, rely on SEP sesam backup software.

SEP is a German company with its own development, quality assurance and customer support, based south of Munich. In times of wiretapping scandals, ransomware attacks and cyberattacks, this plays an important role in data security, especially in public institutions. However, an effective data backup concept does not only consist of reliable data backup and recovery. This is particularly easy with SEP, as the solution combines not only backup & recovery, but also cross-platform disaster recovery and audit-proof GDPdU-compliant archiving. This meets the requirements of public institutions in particular.

This is why SEP users have been relying on the German data backup solution SEP sesam for many years.

Why is the right data backup concept becoming increasingly important?

Imagine that all of your organization’s data has suddenly disappeared or been encrypted. You would not be able to view any applications, manage any appointments, retrieve any emails and have no access to your citizens' important information. Would your organization still be able to work efficiently in such a case? Probably not.

Such scenarios are occurring more and more frequently, whether due to cyber-attacks or technical outages. Arobust data backup solution is essential as a protective measure.

Do you have any questions or would you like a personalized offer?

Our expert Patrick Luc will be happy to advise you


Phone: +49 8024 463310

Email:  sales(at)sep(dot)de

SEP's services at a glance

Our solutions at SEP offer public authorities comprehensive protection:

1. customized solutions: SEP adapts to the specific requirements of each authority or agency and offers individual data protection solutions that meet their needs.

2. attractive price-performance ratio: We offer you an attractive price-performance ratio that provides you with cost-effective solutions for your organization’s data protection without compromising on quality.

3. advanced data protection technologies: We use the latest technologies to ensure the highest security standards. This includes encryption, access controls and regular backups.

4. technical support and consulting services: Our team not only assists you with implementation, but also provides ongoing support and regular checks to ensure that your data backup is working optimally.

5. disaster recovery: SEP support offers a fast response time in the event of an emergency and comprehensive support from experienced experts. We are happy to help with the rapid recovery of regulatory data and have many years of experience in this area.

6. flexible licensing - no subscription obligation: SEP enables flexible licensing without subscription obligation, so you can keep control of your expenses and adapt the data protection to your needs.

7. competitive upgrade offer: SEP offers public authorities and government agencies professional support and attractive conditions for the transition to our data protection solutions. Our experienced team is ready to ensure a seamless transition and provide optimal data protection.

8. protection against cyberattacks and ransomware: SEP integrates advanced security mechanisms into SEP Sesam to protect healthcare organizations from cyberattacks and ransomware that could compromise the integrity and confidentiality of data.

Frequently asked questions about data backup at public authorities or public institutions

What legal requirements apply to data backup for public authorities?

Data protection and backup solutions for public authoritiesmust comply with strict legal regulations, including data protection laws and internal authority guidelines, to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of stored data in accordance with legal requirements

How long does it take to implement data backup solutions?

The implementation time for data protection solutions varies depending on the specific requirements of your authority. Our experts at SEP provide clear timelines and support you throughout the process to ensure a smooth integration.

How secure is my data from unauthorized access?

Our government data protection and backup solutions at SEP ensure the highest security standards, including state-of-the-art encryption technologies and access controls to protect your data from unauthorized access.

What happens in the event of data loss?

In the event of data loss, SEP offers rapid recovery solutions for public authorities. We minimize downtime and ensure the continuity of your services, focusing on data protection and backup for public authorities.

What types of data can be backed up?

SEP solutions enable the backup of a wide range of regulatory data, including information from hypervisors, virtual machines, physical IT environments and structured database content. By customizing to specific requirements, SEP provides consistent snapshots for virtual machines, backup agents for databases and hypervisor-specific backup capabilities for both virtual and physical environments. This comprehensive data protection ensures the integrity of regulatory information and supports a smooth, complete and fast recovery of the different environments.

How does our data protection adapt to the specific requirements of your public authoritie?

Our data protection solutions are tailor-made and adapt flexibly to the specific requirements of your municipality, city or public institution. SEP offers individual solutions to ensure efficient and needs-based data protection.

What security standards does our data backup for public authorities meet?

SEP meets the highest security standards in the backup solution for public authorities. Our solutions comply with strict security guidelines and data protection regulations to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

Take advantage of data backup for government and public sector organizations with SEP. Contact us today for a customized consultation and secure your sensitive information with confidence.

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